Monday, January 31, 2011

An Open Letter To School,

To the never ending staircases and lack of air-conditioning (in 40 degrees Celsius!) of education,

Oh great it's you again, thought I'd got rid of you in December but ooh no; here you are again! The problem is though, however seemingly small it may seem to you (yes I know you have bigger problems than my precocious demands, people keep sticking gum on your walls, and lockers! I mean really, I feel your pain, what is this! I don't care if you chew gum at school, give me a piece while your at it, but don't stick it in your locker, because your locker is now my new locker and now my new locker has gum in it, OK!) is that I can't quite figure out whether I like you or not! I know its rather a pickle! One thing that has really weighed on my mind though, is the feeling that school is a constitution designed to take away our free will, it's obviously a hyperbole to the extreme and untrue but over the Summer I've been able to organise my own schedule however I pleased, waking up when I wanted to, I could be antisocial and watch movies in bed all day -definitely, number one option- or catch a bus to shops-yeah, still doesn't compare to option one- eat what I liked, and be free of deadlines. Now, I feel really restrained, however unreasonable that may sound, I am only a ninth grader, I guess, not quite the responsible adult yet. I like my school though, I know that sounds ridiculously contradicting to the aforementioned text, but I do. I'm not one of those people who complains regularly about what a crappy school this is and how I want to move schools just because this school sucks (well, only sometimes when they make us walk places in extreme heat, and when teachers are being irritating). The point is, my school is for the most part a pretty good one, there's a pool, I have great friends, I think I'd have a hard time fitting in better than I already have in my current situation, lots of sporting opportunities which are great for getting days off school :), some good teachers and some bad, as all schools it's basically a matter of opinion. Another problem though, is that apart from my elective classes and some of my graded classes which some of my close friends are also in, my main class is one in which I'm not particularly close with anyone else who's in it. There's already a certain group that I know I will probably tag along behind, they're nice and I'm probably most familiar with them , but they intimidate me. In fact it's not them, who intimidate me, it's my theory of them. To be honest, I'm a little afraid of judgement, I don't want people to judge me, and so I hold back on my opinions sometimes when they don't seem necessary and in result I'm often told how quiet I am. I've broken through these barriers before, I'm not a mute or a loner, but change is hard especially when all you want is to fall right into place, anyway the point is that you've once again dragged me out of any comfort zone I had, you have your ways, school, you really have a talent for that. On much more serious terms, I see you have insisted on the keeping the stairs! Let me refresh your memory, the long, strenuous climb through a sea of students acting as a rapid river of uniform clad kids. It wouldn't have been all that hard just to pop in a few lifts or escalators would it, really. So if you're still with me my little schooly pal, I guess I'll give you this one, yes you win, I think I like school, slightly, maybe, possibly (woah, this moment reminds me of the moment in the Grinch Who Stole Christmas where his heart grows two sizes, and a Grinch reference must really mean this is a historic revelation) so there you go, are you happy now, you can keep on torturing me with you 40 degrees Celsius and that teacher who talks too fast and also happens to be my maths teacher which is basically a self explanatory review on what my grades will be like this year.
Yours Truly, Miriam.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chandler Muriel Bing... Your parents never gave you a chance

So hi, I've been wanting to start a blog for ages, not for any particular reason really just to write and rant, I'm interested in basically whatever you have to share: literature, movies, arts, music, advice, fashion, it's all gooood. Also let me know about your own blogs, I'd love to check them out. Everybody has to start somewhere, right? Miriam.